
  1. Comfort, A. (1979) : Ageing : The Biology of Senescence (eds. Elsevier, New York)
    A well-known reference book with population survival data.
  2. Cox, D.R.& Lewis, P.A. (1966) : The Statistical Analysis of Series of Events (eds. Methuen, London)
    A basic book on statistical analyses of observed data.
  3. Crevecoeur, G.U. (2008) : Quantitative General Adaptation (eds. JePublie, Paris)
    This book details several elements of this site and goes more thoroughly into some aspects including new developments. Main chapters : 1. Introduction - 2. Bathtub curve - 3. Creep curve - 4. Feedback loops - 5. Hubble constant - 6. Two curves in biology - 7. Lifetime predictions - 8. Possible links - Annex A. Creep at very high temperature - B. Fatigue - C. Cosmological constant - D. Genesis of an equation (349 pages) - Contents Erratum : There is a typographical error in Eq. (8.29) and (8.30) on p. 244. A "t" factor is missing in the exponential on the right in front of ".(t+1)".
  4. de Duve, Ch. (1995) : Vital Dust. Life as a Cosmic Imperative (eds. Basic Books, a division of HarperCollins Publishers Inc.) - translated into French (1996) : Poussière de Vie. Une histoire du vivant (eds. Librairie Arthème Fayard)
    A fascinating proposal for the evolution from inert matter to life.
  5. Demaret, J. (1991) : Univers (eds. Le Mail, Aix-en-Provence)
    This is a pretty didactic book giving all what is needed to be known concerning the present state of knowledge in cosmology.
  6. Forrester, J.W. (1968) : Principles of systems (eds. Wright-Allen Press) [Principes des Systèmes ; eds. Presses Universitaires de Lyon (1981)]
    This is a basic book to understand what are systems, feedback loops etc...
  7. Garofalo, F. (1965) : "Fundamentals of creep and creep-rupture in metals", The MacMillan Company, New-York ["Déformation et rupture par fluage", Dunod, Paris (1970)]
    This is one of the best overview I know about the creep of metals.
  8. Gavrilov, L.A. & Gavrilova, N.S. (1991) :The Biology of Life Span : A Quantitative Approach (eds. Harwood Academic Publishers , Chur, Switzerland and/or at Amazon ) - Originally published in Russian (1986) : Biologiia prodolzhitelnosti zhizni : kalichestvenniye aspekty (eds. Nauka, Moscow)
    This is an excellent book giving a rather extensive critical survey of theoretical models and quantitative observations related to ageing in biology. It also summarizes systematic work performed by the authors over a decade. Finally, it discusses several models based on reliability theory. The analyses are very deep albeit clear and some currently accepted paradigms are dissected and given correct light even at cost of some criticism towards famed authors. Thorough information on the authors of this book as well as on their past and present work can be found on their website at the University of Chicago (However, I have some unanswered questioning on their reliability theory of ageing and can hardly follow them in their considerations on possible life extension "ad libitum").
  9. Lawless, J.F. (1982) : Statistical Models and Methods for Lifetime Data, (eds. John Wiley & Sons, New York)
    Another useful book on statistical analysis methods.
  10. Lees, F.P. (1979) : Loss Prevention in the Process Industries (eds. Butterworths, London), Vol.1
    A basic book on the use of reliability concepts in the process industry.
  11. McCormick, N.J. (1981) : Reliability and Risk Analysis - Methods and Nuclear Power Applications (eds. Academic Press)
    A basic book on reliability analysis methods to be used in the industry.
  12. Nei, M. (1975) :Molecular Population Genetics and Evolution, North-Holland - Research Monographs, Frontiers of Biology, Vol. 40 (Eds. North-Holland Publishing Company - Amsterdam)
    An interesting quantitative approach of evolution.
  13. Norton, F.H. (1929) : The Creep of Steel at High Temperatures (eds. Mc Graw-Hill)
    A basic book in the field of the creep of steels.
  14. Nottale, L. (1993) : "Fractal Space-Time and Microphysics. Towards a Theory of Scale Relativity" (eds World Scientific)
    A fantastic attempt to construct a theory of scale relativity allowing to cover phenomena from quantum mechanics to cosmology through fractals.
  15. Peebles, P.J.E. (1993) : "Principles of Physical Cosmology" (eds Princeton University Press, Princeton)
    A very thorough and exhaustive sum of all what is presently known about physical cosmology.
  16. Prigogine, I. (1961) : Introduction to Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes, 2d edition (eds. Interscience Publishers, New York)
    The fundamental PHD thesis of the author.
  17. Selye, H. (1974) : Stress Without Distress (eds. J.B.Lippincott Co., New York)
    A very good book easy to read and full of seminal thoughts.
  18. Smith, D.J. (1988) : Reliability and Maintainability in Perspective (eds. MacMillan Education Ltd., Basingstoke) 3rd edition, p. 75
    An easy to read book with many good ideas and useful informations.
  19. Weinberg, S. (1972) : "Gravitation and Cosmology : Principles and Application of the General Theory of Relativity" (eds John Wiley & Sons, New York)
    Although the author received the Nobel prize for his contributions to quantum field theory, he wrote this excellent and inspiring summary of General Relativity theory.


  1. Agarwal, U.S.& Khakhar, D.V. (1992) : Nature, 360, pp. 53-55
  2. Albrecht, A. & Steinhardt, P.J. (1982) : Phys. Rev. Lett., 48 (17), pp. 1220 sq
  3. Andrade, E.N. da C. (1910) : Proc. R. Soc. A, 84, pp. 1-12
  4. Andrade, E.N. da C. (1962) : "The validity of the t1/3 law of flow of metals", Phil. Mag., 7, p. 2003
  5. Ascher, H.E.& Feingold, H. (1969) :"'Bad as old analysis of system failure data", Proc. Reliability & Maintainability Conf. (eds. Gordon & Breach), pp. 49-62
  6. Bak, P., Tang, C. & Wiesenfeld, K. (1987) : Phys. Rev. Lett., 59, pp. 381
  7. Bassin, W.M. (1969) : "Increasing hazard functions and overhaul policy", Proc.1969 Ann. Symp.Reliability, pp. 173-178
  8. Batista, A., Cunha C., Dias Lopes E. & Crevecoeur, G. (1989) : "Aplicaçao de Ensaios Nao-Destrutivos à Determinaçao da Vida Restante de Alguns Equipamentos de Uma Central Termoeléctrica Portuguesa", VI Congreso Espanol y I Ibérico de Ensayos No Destructivos, 28-30.09.1988 - Vigo (Espana), pp. 607-626
  9. Baulieu, E.E. (1962) : J. Clin. Endocrinol., 22, p.501
  10. Bell, R.& Miodusky, R. (1976) : "Extension of life of US army trucks", Proc.1976 Ann. Reliability & Maintainability Symp., pp. 200-205
  11. Boltzmann, L. (1896) : Ann. Phys. (Leipzig), 57, pp. 773
  12. Booker, M.K., Hebble, T.L., Hobson, D.O. & Brinkman, C.R. (1977) : Int. J. Pres. Ves. & Piping, Vol. 5 (Issue 3), pp. 181-205
  13. Bush, S.H. (1988) : "Statistics of Pressure Vessel and Piping Failures", Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 110(8), pp. 225-233
  14. Cairns, J., Overbaugh, J. & Miller, S. (1988) : Nature, 335, pp. 142-145
  15. Camponeschi, E.T.& Stichcomb, W.W. (1982) : "Stiffness Reduction as an Indicator of Damage in Graphite/Epoxy Laminates", Composite Materials: Testing and Design, 6, STP 787 (Ed. I.M.Daniel, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, Pa.), pp. 225-246
  16. CREEP DATA SHEET (1986) : (eds. National Research Institute for Metals, Tokyo), N� 3B
  17. Crevecoeur, G.U. (1975) : "Etude préparatoire à l'établissement d'un modèle mathématique de tensions en coulée continue", internal note nr 305/rb-DS of the Centre for Research in Metallurgy (CRM) - Liège (Belgium) - 27 Nov. 1975
  18. Crevecoeur, G.U. (1986) : "An Integrated Method for Remanent Life Assessment Under Creep", in Design and Analysis Methods for Plant Life Assessment (eds. American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME, New York), PVP 112, pp. 45-56
  19. Crevecoeur, G.U. (1987) : "Ueber den Einsatz zerstoerungsfreier und zerstoerender Pruefverfahren zur Abschaetzung der Restlebensdauer von Bauteilen unter dem Einfluss von Kriechen", Der Maschinenschaden, 60 (Heft1) pp. 31-40
  20. Crevecoeur, G.U. (1988) : "Four parameters databank for full creep curve characterization", in Life Extension and Assessment: Nuclear and Fossil Power-Plant Components (eds. American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME, New York), PVP 138 (NDE 4), pp. 203-210
  21. Crevecoeur, G.U. & Rottenberg, T. (1989) : "A Microcomputer Software Package fot the Periodical Follow-Up of Equipments Subjected to Creep and Low-Cycle Fatigue", internal note nr PSP 2.1-18 eA 89/08 GC of Association Vinçotte - Brussels (Belgium) - August 1989
  22. Crevecoeur, G.U. (1991) : Kikai no songai (Japanese version of Der Maschinenschaden), Vol. 33, Nr 93, pp. 15-24
  23. Crevecoeur, G.U. (1992) : "Quelques réflexions autour de la courbe de fluage", Journal des Ingénieurs (eds. Fédération Royale d'Associations Belges d'Ingénieurs Civils et d'Ingénieurs Agronomes - FABI and URTB, Bruxelles), avril 1992, pp. 44-47
  24. Crevecoeur, G.U. (1992) : "Diagnostic de durée de vie restante", Chronique AV (eds. AIB-Vinçotte, Bruxelles), Printemps 1992, pp. 6-9
  25. Crevecoeur, G.U. (1993) : "A Model for the Integrity Assessment of Ageing Repairable Systems", IEEE Trans. Reliability, 42(1), pp. 148-155
  26. Crevecoeur, G. U. (1994):"Reliability assessment of ageing operating systems", Eur. J. Mech. Eng., 39(4), pp. 219-228
  27. Crevecoeur, G. U. (1997):"A system approach to the Einstein-de Sitter model of expansion of the universe", Bull. Soc. Roy. Sci. Liège, Vol. 66, 6, pp. 417-433 (Note:There are a few typographical errata easy to correct)
  28. Crevecoeur, G. U. (1999):"A Simple Procedure to Assess the Time Dependence of Cosmological Parameters", Phys. Essays, Vol. 12, 1 (March 1999), pp. 115-124
  29. Crevecoeur, G. U. (2000):"A mechanical system interpretation of the nonlinear kinetics observed in biological ageing", Bull. Soc. Roy. Sci. Liège, Vol. 69, 6, pp. 311-338
  30. Crevecoeur, G. U. (2001):"A system approach modelling of the three-stage nonlinear kinetics in biological ageing", Mech. Ageing Dev., Vol. 122/3 (Feb. 2001), pp. 271-290 (also available at NIH)
  31. Crevecoeur, G. U. (2017):"Evolution of the distance scale factor and the Hubble parameter in the light of Plancks results", arXiv:1603.06834v2, February 2017, 15 pages
  32. Crevecoeur, G. U. (2017):"Time Evolution of Dark Energy and Other Cosmological Parameters", Phys. Essays, Vol. 30, 3 (September 2017), pp. 255-263
  33. Crevecoeur, G. U. (2018):"Aging and Evolution", Journal of Big History, Vol. II(2) (Summer 2018), pp. 79-102
  34. Crevecoeur, G. U. (2019):"Entropy growth and information gain in operating organized systems", AIP Advances, Vol. 9, 125041 (2019), pp. 1-11
  35. CRM - Liège: creep curve of a cast refractory alloy (private communication)
  36. De Schepper, L., Tielemans, L, Roggen, J.& Stals, L.M. (1989) : "Accurate measurements and interpretation of resistance changes in off-chip interconnections due to ageing in an inert gas atmosphere", Eur.Conf.on Advanced Materials and Processes EUROMAT (Aachen)
  37. Duane, J.T. (1964): "Learning curve approach to reliability monitoring", IEEE Trans. Aerospace, 2(2), pp. 563-566
  38. Eigen, M. (1981): Sci. Am., 4, pp. 88-118
  39. Eldredge, N. & Gould, S.J. (1972) : in Models in Paleobiology (Schopf, T.J.M.)(eds Freeman, Cooper and Co, San Francisco)
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  42. Gavrilov, L.A. & Gavrilova, N.S. (2001) : J. Theor. Biol., 213, pp. 527-545 (There are a few unanswered questions on this theory).
  43. Gavrilov, L.A. & Gavrilova, N.S. (2004) : "The Reliability-Engineering Approach to the Problem of Biological Aging", Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 1019, pp. 509-512 (A misleading vocabulary connexion to system's theory is made in this article).
  44. Glansdorff, P. & Prigogine, I. (1954) : "Sur les propriétés différentielles de la production d'entropie", Physica, XX, pp. 773-780
  45. Gompertz, B. (1825) : Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond., A115, pp.537-585
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  53. Jazwinski, S.M. (1996) : Science, 273, pp.54-59
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  65. NRIM (1986) : Creep Data Sheet, Nr 3B, Tokyo, Table 7
  66. Orentreich, N., Brind, J.L., Rizer, R.L. & Vogelman, J.H. (1984) : J. Clin. Endocrinol. and Metab., 59(3), pp.551-554
  67. Parshall Jr., W.C. & Crevecoeur, G.U. (1994) : "Nondestructive Examination of Service Aged Spool Pieces Containing a Dissimilar Metal Weld", in Service Experience and Reliability Improvement : Nuclear, Fossil, and Petrochemichal Plants (eds. American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME, New York), PVP 288, pp. 227-242
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  71. Selye, H. (1936) : Nature, 138, p.32
  72. Selye, H. (1937) : Endocrinology, 21(2), pp. 169-188
  73. Shao, Z., Gao, W., Yao, Y., Zhuo, Y. & Riggs, J.E. (1993) : Mech. Ageing Dev., 67, pp. 239-246
  74. Strauven, H., Claes, G., Heylen, G., Crevecoeur, G. & Maes, C. (1996) : "Acoustic emission for the follow-up of creep in cellular glass", 22nd European Conference on Acoustic Emission Testing - Aberdeen (GB) (Eds Univation Ltd, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, 1996), pp. 85-90
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  80. Wei, X. & al. (1995) : Nature, 373, pp. 117-122

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